Monday, January 09, 2017

What Defines Your Equation?

"LOVE", to what 'distance' does it exist? How do you define it - by actions or words? Everyone has their personal perception about it, if we hear their story, but somehow they all can still relate their life's to a romantic movie(that's weird). I have heard, with time bonds and relations improve and get stronger but then is time inversely proportional to distance? With increase in distance the time on a relationship keeps on fading, and thus long distance relations to be avoided is the common advice one can receive. On the other hand, LOVE shouldn't have any boundaries right?

A city has a road connectivity of majority, two way streets, but sometimes you do tend to come across a one-way! There is a very famous dialogue-"Ek tarfa pyar ki taqat hi kuch aur hoti hai ... auron ke rishton ki tarah yeh do logon mein nahi bat'ti ... sirf mera haq hai ispe", which goes over my head, but today I came across a real story where this was actually applicable, and regardless of all odds, things are getting better!

It was a typical long distance problem, but you can't blame either, because when you go to do your master's you are on your own! You can't satisfy everyone, your priority list may be there, but necessities over shadow/over power it. Apparently in this incident, the girl couldn't do justice and decided to part ways. Now comes the twist in the plot, she came across a middle aged man, and "Love at first sight funda" came into play.(It's hard for me to imagine such thing, maybe I can't see the world or someone like that & it hasn't happened to me yet, thus its weird for me!) It is said that when you feel it's right, you shouldn't wait, but isn't just a couple of weeks relationship too young to call in a live-in? A case where the girl has the home lease shared on both the middle aged man and her name but where only she is paying the rent!

I have heard love is blind, love is deaf and dumb, but when you allow someone to feed from your resources, that ain't love, that's called being used! It was bound & happened eventually, when the new relation, hit rocky waters, with the middle aged man being very rude & having no control over his actions. The girl being petrified and scared was driven away from her own home, she was so scared of returning that, she started to live on her friends couch! And one fine day when she garnered the courage to finally walk up to her apartment, she found out that the man was already in bed with another woman, and threw the girls luggage on the streets. So you pay the rent, you suffer and sleep on people's couches, you adjust and finally are thrown out of your own apartment? If you think why didn't she revoke her lease, that's because she wouldn't get her deposit back and the middle aged man liked the things as they were!

This is a rough story but doesn't end here, the cops were called in, when the middle aged man, didn't open the door when repeatedly asked to, even by the apartment owner, and his track record shows he was sent to prison earlier in his life for his crimes. Now did the girl know about his past or no, that only she knows, but LOVE(according to the girl) is stupid, you can tell it by all the activities that have taken place!

Every cloud has a silver lining, and even this story has, the girl's previous partner, had just arrived to the same city, inorder pursue his master's program as well, and his timing being so perfect, that he came right in-midst of all this high octane drama! On gaining knowledge of what had happened he didn't flip out at the girl, but instead comforted her, helped her getting out of her mess, helped her to relocate. He could have just ignored but he chose the difficult part of forgiving and trying to forget. Now that's maybe what you do when you are in "LOVE". I am no expert, but had to share this, to all those who have a pre-conceived notion that, long distances don't work, if you want to make it work, it would work, you just need to try and be patient! Forgive, but not for the second time or forward because then it's called being used.  

(P.S: This is based on a true story I heard.)

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