Friday, May 12, 2017

That's called , being 'SHY'

"Ok wait, she is looking at me... Cool man she is walking this way! Good I had a bath today...Man, I forgot to wear a deo!"-a glimpse of what runs in a guy’s mind when he sees his crush. You see the thing is, any guy, how much ever career oriented he may be, always has some hypothetical scenarios running by in his head about his crush walking up-to him and starting the conversation. Mind well this doesn’t mean that the guy is an introvert, it is just that he is a bit ‘SHY’ and not ‘EGOISTIC’!

Mr. J walks into the college, with his friends, when he sees his crush (Ms. D) a few meters apart, now obviously he has noticed her, at that very instant a few brain electrons become hyper active, Mr. J’s brain suddenly has a virtual 3D scan of the whole surrounding. He knows exactly where Ms. D is, what are her movements, every hypothetical probability of her next movement, even if Mr. J isn’t good at math, he suddenly becomes the master of probability

Just consider Ms. D turns, and just had a glance towards Mr. J, and what she sees is, Mr. J having an intense look (p.s. the best way of having this, is to try solving a very complex math multiplication- 345 x 19) Or Mr. J behaving as if he hasn’t acknowledged or is unaware of her presence by seeming to be involved within his friends, in short refraining to make eye contact with Ms. D.

Friend:- ‘Dude she just looked at you!’

Mr. J:- ‘I know that man! Just Chill! Let’s just play COOL!’

This is an expression that comes to every guy, when he is made aware that his crush just looked at him, doesn’t matter for how much time but all that matters is that he is at the peak of his self-consciousness and he is filling with confidence!Not everyone may admit it, but we guys do have SQ (Shyness Quotient).

While these reaction are just in response to a glimpse, wondering what would happen when Mr. J tries to start a conversation? Well, WAIT FOR IT...


  1. It just tickled me in a very ecstatic way and Mr.'J'agwani, I will be waiting for your next Blog..:)(#To be continued..)

    1. Thanks for giving your feedback ! This isn't about me, but about all the guys , and Mr. J well he is representing all of us, so let's wait for his next move!
