Friday, April 15, 2016

Don't Wake Me, When This Ends

I walk a lonely road,
The only one that i have ever known,
Don't know where it goes,
Off the edge, where I walk alone.

We say Earth is really a small place to live in, we make promises to stay in touch with each other, have regular reunions, or hope to at least bump into each other someday, realizing that each entity has chosen a path selfish for themselves. Separations are tough, ugly, haunting but unavoidable. Today as I m writing this blog, I have in-fact reached the time where it is all coming to an end, for a new beginning to take over! 

My bachelors degree is what I would receive in a few months, but with that, I would possibly be loosing physical interaction with couple of my friends. Now it's so cliche that everyone can be connected via the Internet these days, but what is the fun over the internet? Where is the fun what you had, while,
- signing a proxy for a friend,
- sitting on the last bench and speaking out of turns during a lecture,
- bunking the lecture so that, we could go out sit near a water front and chit chat,
- playing those kiddish games during break times,
- having the lunch together? 

All this may seem foolish and somewhat irrelevant, mature people may comment that, "You have to move ahead in life, don't be so emotional and carry such a baggage", but how can I let this all go? I m not that mature not that experienced, for current time being this is all I have that I can call as memories or experiences! I m not complaining about the separations, but I m not even hiding the sorrow I would receive from it, because the more sooner I would face the reality, would I be
able to get a hold of myself and move on!

This is surely not end of my life, but this is an end to the era of my life in which I have grown up, learnt stuff, built myself, made friends, sustained peer pressure, handled heart-breaks, supported friends, without being selfish most of the times. The selfish thing was, during all mentioned above and more, I kept sight of my dream, channeled my life to create a foundation to build upon for future!

I would walk a lonely road - I have to climb the ladder of success on my own,
only one I have ever known -  the best for me, following my dreams towards self-satisfaction,
don't know where it goes - I am gonna pave my own path, to my destiny,
off the edge,where I walk alone - would scale peaks and learn from falls, be careful of boggy traps.

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