Friday, March 25, 2016

Let It Go

"Har cheez Ka ek waqt hota hai, waqt rehte cut-Lena chahiye varna gile-shikwe hone lagte hai!"

"Everything has a destined time, during which you should leave, otherwise you end up having complaints regarding to it!"

Every day, hour, minute, second you breathe in-breathe out, you are learning something. Everything has a destined time which according to ancient mythology and culture is pre-decided, everything has its peak time, during which it would have its maximum value! Lets go back into the past, my 14th birthday and I want a gaming console when asked, but my parents reject the idea because at that moment they feel that it may cause distraction which is true, so instead of gifting me then, they postponed and gifted me some time later. Newton's third law states-" Every action has an equal and opposite reaction!",now for me it was dream shattering and somewhere deep down in my heart obviously everyone would agree, we all come across this feeling which leads to a frustrating voice in the head saying-' whenever I start earning, I would fulfill all my needs and demands not rely on asking my parents, do what is in my will ', eventually start holding a grudge(I realize is a strong word to use to describe the feeling but its necessary.)

Grudge, what does it truly mean? Is it that someone has done something wrong to you and you have planned to take vengeance from that entity? So it means that already your time has been wasted on being at the receiving end and you are further wasting your time by plotting a revenge, and this action is fueled with one emotion of 'GRUDGE'? So tomorrow if someone does for example, spoil my written assignment, so I should live in that hatred and all the time thing about taking a revenge or wishing that something ill would happen to that person? For once even if something bad happens to that person, I should be standing smirking, laughing on the entities misery? So finally what differentiates me from the other entity? I have inflicted similar pain that was inflicted on me? Is this Karma, because surely I sense I m spoiling my karma more by grinning !

"Holding on to anger is like, grasping on to a hot coal piece with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burnt " -Buddha.

My friend came up to me the other day, expressing his displeasure on being treated in his terms-"in-humanly" and like a slave, made to write extra punishment assignments from the professor , who was not showing any mercy.

"I want the professor out of the college,he has treated me so horribly, someday I would come back and show him who the boss really is", is what my friend quoted in furious voice, so he publicly displayed his anger/grudge and even claimed that for that some day in future, this has fueled his desire to succeed! Success who doesn't desire but at what cost? even if he succeeds, he is solely basing his success on a reason of taking a revenge, even if after he takes that revenge some day, what happens after that? His sole desire of success is just over, after say 10 years he wont have that fueling ambition, that reason for succeeding! OK my friend hypothetically in future, managed to show who the boss is, he succeeds in inflicting damage, does my friend realize that he is now treating that professor "In-Humanly", so what's the difference, how has he progressed, when he is stuck to that one incident from the past?

"To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by one bee" - William H Walton.

I m not conveying that, you should keep silent and be tortured or be treated rough, but what I mean to say is that, either you have the guts to speak up then, or with-in a short span of time do and prove your metal, but don't solely base your life's aim to seek revenge, 'Let It Go' after a while and be open to new things, because there may come a time when the fuel to your ambition from only one source will be exhausted, leaving a huge void then! Construct the foundation correctly and positively.

1 comment:

  1. This article truly revived the memories of a song with an alike name as the article. Liked ur thoughts:)
